Android / IOS Training with Placement

Where Can I Learn Real Time Android / IOS Training?

Android deliver a complete set of software for mobile devices: an operating system, middleware and key mobile applications. Android was built from the ground-up to enable developers to create persuasive mobile applications that take full advantage of all a handset. The Android platform is the most widely used stage for smartphones today.The scope for Android application development is enormous and the need for Android developers is also on the increase. Every industry owner and even corporate companies spend a lot in creating their own iOS application to reach their customers across the world. This created an vast demand for iOS developers in IT industry.

Our Android training course will offer you exhaustively understanding of how to build and organize applications for Android phones and tablets, using the Java language. 

This training course aims to educate application development for Android. Since Java is the language of the Android platform, the training course starts by refreshing the advanced features of the Java language. The course shows how to propose & develop applications using building blocks and covers the building blocks of Android in detail. By end this training you will be able to create iOS applications, leaving you with instant relevant skills and a new approach to iOS development.

Prerequisite of Android/IOS:

Basic Knowledge in Java and OOPs is needed to learn Android.

course Content

Syllabus: Android Training Course

Chapter 1: Introduction to Android

·         What is Android?

·         Setting up development environment

·         Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension

·         Fundamentals:

a.  Basic Building blocks - Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers & Content providers

b. UI Components - Views & notifications

c.  Components for communication -Intents & Intent Filters

·         Android API levels (versions & version names)

Chapter 2: Application Structure (in detail)

·         AndroidManifest.xml

·         uses-permission &uses-sdk 

·         Resources &

·         Assets

·         Layouts & Drawable Resources 

·         Activities and Activity lifecycle 

·         First sample Application

Chapter 3: Emulator-Android Virtual Device

·         Launching emulator

·         Editing emulator settings

·         Emulator shortcuts

·         Logcat usage

·         Introduction to DDMS

·         Second App:- (switching between activities)

·         Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents



Chapter 4: Basic UI design

·         Form widgets

·         Text Fields

·         Layouts

·         [dip, dp] versus px 

·         Examples

Chapter 5: Intents (in detail)

·         Explicit Intents

·         Passing data between activities

·         Implicit intents

·         Examples

Chapter 6: UI design

·         Images and media 

·         Composite

·         AlertDialogs & Toast 

·         Examples

Chapter 7: Styles & Themes

·        styles.xml

·         drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)

·         style attribute in layout file

·         Applying themes via code and manifest file 

·         Examples

Chapter 8: Content Providers

·         SQLite Programming

·         SQLiteOpenHelper

·         SQLiteDatabse

·         Cursor

·         Reading and updating Contacts 

·         Sqlite Manager tool

·         Example :

Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented.


Chapter 9: Adapters and Widgtes

·         Adapters:-

a. ArrayAdapters

b. BaseAdapters

·         ListView and ListActivity 

·         Custom listview

·         GridView using adapters 

·         Gallery using adapters 

·         Examples

Chapter 10: Notifications

·         Broadcast Receivers

·         Services

·         Toast

·         Examples

Chapter 11: Threads

·         Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread) 

·         Worker thread

·         Examples

Chapter 12: Advanced

·         XML Parsing

·         JSON Parsing

·         Client Server Communication

·         Consuming WebServices

·         Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS)

·         Network connectivity services

To Learn Android / IOS pls Contact Us
Technical Consultant
044 42 63 42 42


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